(And Try To Eliminate Anything That Contains MSG)
In my case it was that 'drug' known as coffee that caused my tinnitus...coffee and a deficiency in iodine. After I discovered those two things in May 2012 (after being told tinnitus was a natural and enjoyable part of aging) the hissing in my ears went away.
In fact I didn't even realise it immediately. It took me approximately an hour to notice. I immediately started listening some music on my stereo headphones!! (at a sensible level)
So I decided to collate some information in the form of questions and answers to see if it could be of any benefit to anyone else. I had often heard (and read on the internet)there was a way to stop the constant noise but I didn't really believe it. I will ADMIT however, in the spirit of FULL DISCLOSURE, that apple cider vinegar did NOTHING for me!
So I do I still have the occasional coffee? Yes I do...BUT I also realise that it may bring the noise back for up to 3 days...So it's my choice!
I REALLY hope you find what causes yours!
Question 1 - Tinnitus even as a child?

Answer: Tinnitus is usually due to damage to the microscopic ends of the hearing nerve in the inner ear. Perfect hearing is possible only if these nerves remain healthy and any damage to these nerves results in tinnitus or hearing impairment. Some herbal remedies exist which can be used to support all body systems involved in helping the ear to perform its tasks of clear hearing and balance, as well as the circulatory, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Some of the most common herbs & biochemical tissue salts used are Ginkgo Biloba is excellent for a number of cerebral and circulatory disorders. It is probably the most widely-used herb for tinnitus and many sufferers swear by this natural ingredient. Rosemary dilates and strengthens blood vessels and is an excellent circulation tonic. Rosemary is particularly useful for tinnitus that is caused or worsened by high blood pressure and other circulatory conditions. Avena Sativa is effective in reducing high cholesterol levels which can contribute to circulatory problems which cause tinnitus. Wild Hyssop s also useful in reducing pain and inflammation. Salicylic Ac. (30C) is indicated for tinnitus with loud roaring or ringing sounds, which may be accompanied by deafness or vertigo. This remedy is particularly useful in people whose symptoms began with a bout of flu, Menieres disease or long-term use of aspirin. Ferrum phosphoricum (Ferrum phos. D6) is a homeopathic biochemic tissue salt which supports the absorption of iron in the body. The protective myelin sheath which surrounds all nerve tissue needs iron to supply this vital nutrient to the nerve cells it encases. Regular use of Ferrum phos. can help to prevent dizziness, headaches and restlessness and is of great benefit for those who tend to feel irritable, tense and tired. Magnesium phosphate (Mag. phos. D6) well-known as a homeopathic painkiller, Mag. phos. is also of great benefit to the health of the nerves. It acts as a natural anti-spasmodic and a nerve and muscle relaxant and is also frequently recommended for stress headaches. Hope all this helps Good Luck! You may check the source link below for more details on the above.
Question 2 - Tinnitus at bedtime.
Question: I've had Tinnitus for a few months now, and most days I don't even notice it, but I've been sick with abdomen troubles for almost three weeks, and the last five days my Tinnitus seems to be louder than it normally is, especially when it's close to bedtime. Is there anything I can do to make it at least softer? I was fine when I barely heard it, but now it's getting to me. Sometimes the tone is louder than my ceiling fan on the low setting.
Answer: Many conventional medications achieve only limited success in tinnitus relief, and usually their bothersome side effects such as dry mouth, blurred vision, and constipation often discourage use. Valium, Xanax and Klonopin are benzodiazepine drugs that many doctors prescribe for tinnitus. They are addicting to varying degrees and cannot be used continuously for a long period of time. They are helpful in reducing tinnitus symptoms and aid in sleeping. Valium is the most addicting of these and is not used often for this reason. Xanax is very popular and is prescribed often for tinnitus. However, the ATA report on medications that cause tinnitus lists Xanax as causing it in 6.6% of cases. Natural and holistic tinnitus remedies can be effective in assisting with the relief of symptoms, as well as addressing the individuals overall health and well-being. Herbal and homeopathic remedies are gentle, yet effective - without the harmful side effects of conventional medicine. Tinnitus herbal remedies can be used to support all body systems involved in helping the ear to perform its tasks of clear hearing and balance, as well as the circulatory, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Some of the most common herbs used are Ginkgo Biloba is excellent for a number of cerebral and circulatory disorders. It is probably the most widely-used herb for tinnitus and many sufferers swear by this natural ingredient. Rosemary dilates and strengthens blood vessels and is an excellent circulation tonic. Rosemary is particularly useful for tinnitus that is caused or worsened by high blood pressure and other circulatory conditions. Avena Sativa is effective in reducing high cholesterol levels which can contribute to circulatory problems which cause tinnitus. Wild Hyssop s also useful in reducing pain and inflammation. Salicylic Ac. is indicated for tinnitus with loud roaring or ringing sounds, which may be accompanied by deafness or vertigo. This remedy is particularly useful in people whose symptoms began with a bout of flu, Menieres disease or long-term use of aspirin. Hope all this helps Good Luck!
Question 3 - Blocked?

Answer: Do you have a clogged ear? Wax build up? Go to your doctor and see if they can take care of this for you. Also, if you want to try at home, pour peroxide in your ear and see if that helps. Helps me when I do it. Good luck!
Question 4 - Low blood pressure?
Question: Yesterday, as i got up from my bed i got light-headed and i know it was from low blood pressure from getting up to fast (postural hypotension) but i also got a loud hissing sound (tinnitus) in my ear and i never ever have gotten this before when i get lightheaded i usually just get tunnel vision. Why did i get this hissing sound? How does low blood pressure effect the ears?
Answer: I think it could be related to blood flow because I also have low blood pressure and tend to faint a lot and I hear it every time I'm about to pass out. So you probably heard the blood flowing. According to this article its because your ear is not getting enough blood flow therefore it cannot function properly. http://tinnitusonline.blogspot.com/2006/09/low-blood-pressure-and-tinnitus.html
Tinnitus Therapie